Taslo – Backshift EP (GCON-01)
Taslo, an emerging name in contemporary house music, presents the inaugural release on his own ‘Groove Concept’ imprint; ‘Backshift EP’. Showcasing an effective fusion of rounded timbres and body-rocking rhythms, this red-hot four-tracker is poised for sustained club usage.
‘Swop Shop’ kicks things off in compelling style with a coalition of propulsive drums and punchy bass. The swing setting gets ramped up for ‘Basic Principles’, where shuffling percussion and brawny resonances give way to a more explosive trajectory.
No momentum is lost over on the B-side, where ‘Globule’ sets in motion a sequence of pointed stabs and sub-bass jabs, resulting in a hypnotic groove that persists in its charm. The joint concludes with ‘Side Burner’, as the dynamic eases and languid, shimmering harmonies rise to the fore.
Bona fide groovers for the dance floor and beyond…